Baoji Oilfield Machinery Co., Ltd (BOMCO), as aleading one in researching, designing, manufacturing and assembling Oil Drilling Rig and equipments for oil exploration and development since 1970s. It belongs to CNPC. Complete sets of onshore and offshore drilling rig andrelating equipments could be produced. It produced most drilling rigs in 2005 in the world.
Main products:drilling rigs including AC VFD, DC, diesel engine and gear, chain, hydraulicand belt drive, truck-mounted and trailer-mounted series, ranging from 1,000meters to 12,000 meters in drilling depth; a series of API7K-compliant mud pumps ranging from F-500 to F-2200; CGDS-I, a near-bit geosteering system forwell drilling, consists of the CAIMS (China Adjustable Instrumented MotorSystem), WLRS (Wireless Receiver System), CGMWD (China Geosteering MWD), andthe CFDS (China Formation/Drilling Software System). CGDS-I has three majorfunctions: logging/measurement, transmission and steering and crown block,travelling block,hook,swivel, rotary table,drawworks etc.